Our curriculum

Our approach

For more information about our curriculum please contact Tony Machin, Head of Academy, via the school office.

The curriculum we offer at our academy gives students:

  • real-world learning experiences
  • access to outstanding teaching
  • rigorous and high-quality critique and feedback on their work
  • the opportunity to develop dynamic leadership skills
  • a culture of respect.

We encourage students to recognise their personal learning journey and take pride in their achievements. We focus on helping students to link their learning to everyday life.

We work in partnership with parents and carers to ensure that we create a tailored package of support to best meet the needs of each child and young person at our academy.

"Leaders have designed a broad and ambitious curriculum that is tailored to meet the needs of pupils in the school. As a result, younger pupils get the support that they need to return to mainstream schools to continue their education. Pupils who stay until Year 11 are equally well supported to be successful in the next stage of their education." Ofsted 2023

Our curriculum recognises that many of the young people who we work with arrive at our academy as reluctant learners. Our mission is to provide our students with creative, nurturing and inspiring opportunities which re-engage them in learning and allow them to be the best they can be. The fundamental principles of our curriculum are:

  • mastery of knowledge and skills
  • development of character
  • ensuring breadth of our curriculum comparable with any mainstream school
  • leadership at all levels within the organisation, including student leadership;
  • rigorous and high quality critique and feedback
  • maintaining a culture of respect.

Students work towards qualifications during their time at our academy - including GCSEs, NVQs, Arts Award and more.

We offer a graduated approach to support students with SEND in line with the SEND code of practice. More information about this is available here.

All our Year 11 students are provided with support to secure places in further education, colleges or apprenticeships. Find out more about the careers advice and support we offer young people.