Our curriculum

PSHE & RSE curriculum

In line with government guidance, our academy provides all pupils with RSE (relationship and sex education). Details of the curriculum and information for parents about this have been outlined in letters sent to parents and carers - copies of these are available from the academy office.

Information about our overall approach to RSE and PSHE (personal, social, health and economic) education is provided in our RSE policy and PSHE policy. See below for more details about what pupils cover in their lessons according to what age they are.

OA-Hv PSHE and RSE Overview Download
OA-Hv PSHE and RSE Learning Journey Download

In line with government guidance, our academy provides all pupils with RSE. Details of the curriculum and information for parents are included in our RSE policy. Parents have the right to request that their child be withdrawn from some or all of the sex education delivered as part of the statutory RSE curriculum.