Our approach to teaching and our academy curriculum provide meaningful, effective learning and inclusion for all our students.
All students are assessed when they join Olive AP Academy – Havering to identify their strengths and needs.
Parents and carers are involved in these discussions at their child's induction meeting when they first join the academy.
We offer personalised planning and differentiation for students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). You can find further information in our SEND policy and our SEND information report.
What special educational needs does Olive AP Academy – Havering support?
- communication and interaction difficulties
- cognition and learning difficulties
- social, emotional and mental health difficulties
- sensory and/or physical needs.
How do we support students with SEND to enjoy a broad and balanced curriculum?
We offer a graduated approach to supporting students with SEND in line with the SEND code of practice.
Stage 1 – Quality First Teaching (QFT)
- We recognise that we have a duty and responsibility to engage and support the learning and development of all pupils.
- We ensure that QFT and reasonable adjustments are in place. Despite the additional intervention and support in place for all learners, this cannot compensate for a lack of good QFT
- Our teachers track all students closely and identify students who are not making expected progress and discuss with the SENDCO to evaluate whether support is required that is additional to and different compared from that is normally available.
- We track and evidence progress against targets for all students.
Stage 2 – Targeted support and Identification
Assess, Plan, Do, Review Cycle:
- Assess – Baseline, gather data and information from previous schools, data sources – Plan – Intervention and outcomes identified, do – Implementation Review – Progress check (SEND Code of Practice, 2015 6.44-6.56)
- Gain pupil and family views on their progress in school.
- Ensure all staff are aware of pupil needs and take action to remove any barriers to learning. To support this all students to receive a pupil profile and SEND students to have a separate pupil passport.
- Our subject teachers are responsible for planning and monitoring impact of interventions with support from our SENDCO and associate staff.
- The SENDCO will highlight pupils at caseload/planning meetings with the local authority Children and Adults with Disabilities (CAD) Team professional and discuss support and strategies in place currently, the rate of progress, raise any individual concerns and agree next steps.
Stage 3 – Collaboration
- Referrals to external agencies to provide more detailed assessment and development of intervention programmes.
Stage 4- Education Health Care (EHC) Assessment
- If we have gone through this graduated approach for a pupil and the SENDO identifies that a pupil requires additional provision beyond our own resources, with clear evidence that appropriate intervention has been implemented, an application for an EHC needs assessment can be made using evidence collated through stages 1-3.
- As an academy we will demonstrate how we have taken relevant and purposeful action to identify, assess and meet the special educational needs of the child or young person.
You can find further information about our curriculum and our approach in our academy policies.
Where can I find more information about support for students with SEND?
All local authorities publish information about how children and young people who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are supported in their area. This is known as the local offer. Find out more about the Havering Local Offer.
Our academy’s SEND Coordinator is Joshua Law
t: 01708 478892
e: joshua.law@oliveacademies.org.uk
Please contact our headteacher or Joshua Law should you have any concerns or queries regarding your child’s SEND support. You can also refer to our Complaints Policy should you have further concerns regarding SEND support at Olive AP Academy – Havering.
For further support you can also contact Parents in Partnership, Havering
t: 01708 433885